Custom Cornhole Boards

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Need Some Ideas?

Visit our gallery of some of our previous boards to spark some ideas of what you want your design to look like OR if you have a good idea of what you want already, get started on your design now!

  • Fill Out Our Form Below

    * Send in your contact information so we can work together for your custom boards.
    * Include all the details that you would like designed into your boards including colors, images, and logos.

  • Review Designs

    * We will put your request into a mock up design, then send it your way for review.
    * Once everything is exactly how you imagine, we will begin the work.

    * There will be a upfront deposit of $75 before any artwork is sent back.

  • Building Your Boards

    * Each board comes with 1/2” cabinet grade plywood 
    * Frames are made out of solid wood. 
    * The tops and sides are sanded smooth to provide the best playing surface.
    * We stain/paint every board to provide years of entertainment
    * Every board is sprayed with 3 coats of Polyurethane to protect your boards
    * Every board is made to be pocket hole and glued to provide maximum durability and lightweight.